10-8 Firearms Instruction has been accepted in EVERY county in Iowa and will be accepted by your Sheriff, I will 100% Guarantee it!
NO Driving!
NO Shooting!
Take the class on your Time, in your Home!
Being an Iowa Peace Officer, I believe a permit holder needs to have well rounded knowledge of carrying a firearm in Iowa. This would include Iowa laws, other online permit training courses were written by someone who lives in Virginia or California. They are not from Iowa and they don’t know or care about Iowa laws. And they surely don’t enforce Iowa laws on a daily basis. With other online classes all you will get is basic handgun safety; it won’t mention Iowa law. If you don’t take a complete Iowa permit to carry class, like this one, you will need to do hours upon hours of research to learn Iowa laws of carrying a firearm.
The class will cover a lot of material including:
1. Firearm Safety
2. Pistol and Ammunition
3. Pistol Handling
4. Applying for your permit
5. Use of Force
6. Carrying your Firearm
7. Iowa Laws